Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why you walkin' so funny?

You know when you're walkin' along... You're in a public place... Surrounded by people... And you suddenly experience a sharp pain... A pain strong enough to bring tears to the corner of your eyes... And you come to the realization that somehow, some way a stray hair.... Uh, Down There... moved itself into a position that with each step you take it feels like it's being held by a pair of tweezers yet just won't break loose of the very tender spot by which it's attached?

So you know how you try to adjust your stride, so the hair might also readjust itself and therefore relieve you of such searing pain?... But then you realize that now you're walking like a cowboy after a long ride across the prairie... And you KNOW you're not a cowboy and the other people around you with their brows knitted in wonder at your rather odd gait, are also, most likely aware, you're NOT a cowboy.

Then, you know how you realize you're probably making a bigger spectacle of yourself with the walking thing, than you would if you just reached down and made a quick adjustment?... But you're continually surrounded by all these people at the grocery store and no matter WHAT, you've got to make a move because the discomfort is building to a level much stronger than the embarrassment you may endure if you don't go for the readjustment SOON! So with a quick glance around and a prayer that everyone is more interested in their bread selection you reach down in one quick motion and make an adjustment.

So.... Did I mention I went grocery shopping today?

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Blogger lime said...

i didn't realize you had this site over here too. funny stuff!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Nature Girl said...

Oh boy! My friend and I were just talking about something similar the other day and we thought we were the only ones that might recognize this little "hitch in the step adjustment" we were making and we were laughing...I'll have to tell her about this post, she'll nod knowingly too.
I hate grocery shopping!

1:23 PM  

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